Monday, February 4, 2008

Bacon-infused vodka, Part 1

What sorts of weird crap does Emily read about online, you may wonder?How much time does she have on her hands, you may sometimes wonder?

Well, among other things, I read about bacon-infused vodka. This definitely has a strange-but-fascinating appeal, I must say. Because, really, I was thinking that vodka is just too healthy. As is bacon. And the idea of a Bloody Mary with bacon vodka... psychotically good.

And I'm always interested in being on the cutting edge of anything generating buzz online. And the comments I've found during my research--true gems:
  • I am allergic to most deodorants and therefore, soak whole nutmegs in everclear to produce a clear brown alcohol which I put into a mister and mist my armpits with it. Works great! Questions abound: How would you ever think of this? Wouldn't it be WAY cheaper to use rubbing alcohol?
  • From the same commentor: For warts, I put arbor vitae leaves and seeds (it is a tree) in vodka, and put the tincture on the warts. So basically, every time this chick has a problem, she opens up her bar and splashes something on it. Obviously, I take this approach to emotional and social problems, but the "alcohol as panacea" approach has never taken on external physical manifestations...
  • From, V and I have found our new favorite sentence: "If you find your infusion too strong, dilute it with more vodka." Yes, I will bear that in mind.
We'll note that the above site of info on infusing vodka has instructions on using fruit, spices and berries. No discussion of meat products. Sigh.

So obviously, I'll keep everyone updated on this matter. I couldn't determine the best amount of frying to give the bacon, so as to avoid the slight ick factor of too raw, but avoid any possible burnt taste. Right now, I have to say it looks kinda gross. (See photo above.) And it doesn't smell that awesome either. But vodka generally doesn't (to my nose), so whatever.
I'm also announcing a contest to see who makes the most interesting infused alcohol--no restrictions on whether it should be for consumption or external application. I will post your photos and then you'll get rich and famous like me!
Editorial note: Sorry the picture sucks. Also, the formatting on this post is weird, but I swear I wasn't bacondrunk when I wrote it.

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