Thursday, November 8, 2007

I heart Go Fug Yourself.

First with the Emily Valentine post, which succintly and effectively summarizes everything great about Emily Valentine. [Impressive since there is so truly much great about her that one tends toward the prolix.]

I wasn't going to mention that, because maybe I'm the only one who cares.

But now with the SMG (aka Buffy) post, I can't let it go unsaid. Mostly because it's also about culottes, which were also an important part of my life for the formative 3rd and 4th grade years. [My tour of various Catholic schools allowed me to experience the full range of uniforms, from the culottes with sailor shirt and tie (seriously) to the plaid jumper to the ridiculously short navy pleated skirt.] A review suggests that maybe I'm still the only one who cares. But that's what blogs are for, I suppose.

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